Sheep Feed Bunk

Sheep Feed Bunk Gets Improved

After one year of use, we took on another project.  Sheep feed bunk gets improved. Barn One feed bunk gets an extension of 16’ and slightly modified the design to strengthen the centre of the alley.

Every second day, we unload a 5’ dry hay bale onto this feeder to feed this group of 101 ewes.  Our bales weigh on average 750 pounds.

Why Extent the Feed Bunk?

As a result of successful lambing and weaning after one year inside the coverall, we decided to keep some of our ewe lambs rather than sell them all.  However, this requires more housing space. In turn meant the feeding bunk was too small.  There was an additional 16’ of space at the bottom end of this coverall so we determined that this feeding alley could be extended an additional 16’.

Why Strengthen the Feed Bunk?

Throughout the past year, there were multiple times we discovered loose boards or plywood sections that dropped down.  The problem with this occurring is that when unrolling a 750 pound bale, the bale becomes difficult to unroll and we were concerned that it had the potential of breaking the plywood.

We found that the design required reinforcement along the centre of the plywood.  Placed support posts along in various locations underneath the plywood to prevent it from dropping.

Sheep Feed Bunk Design

We referenced the OMAFRA Feed Bunk for Sheep Fact Sheet for design and layout which works for our current set-up. 

Sheep Feed Bunk Details

Housing Requirements

When providing housing for our sheep flock, we refer to the OMAFRA Feeding Systems for Sheep Fact Sheet.  It states that every ewe requires 16”  – 20” of head space along the feeding bunk.  Ewe lambs require 12″ head space.

Sheep Feed Bunk Gets Improved and Extended! 

Interested in seeing the process we took to build this extension?  Check out our video here.

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